Funded by:
Coordinator: Ignasi Bartomeus (EBD-CSIC)
Partner: Lucas Garibaldi (URN)
Partner: Rachael Winfree (Rutgers)
Partner: David Kleijn (Wageningen)
Partner: Ferdinando Villa (BC3)
The OBServ project OBServ aims to co-develop a user-friendly open library of pollinator biodiversity and ecosystem service models which can be used to deliver local and global predictive maps based on different environmental scenarios. In order to achieve this we will specifically (i) capture stakeholder needs and broader socio-economic dimensions of biodiversity, (ii) expand biodiversity models beyond species richness, and (iii) compare and validate predictions of data- driven, statistical and mechanistic biodiversity models.
You can run our models in an easy an intuitive web application thanks to BC3 team. check it out: and whatch our video showcasing how it works
In prepration:
Fijen, T.P.M., Nabaes Jodar, D, Garibaldi, L.A., Winfree, R., Kostic, K, Bartomeus, I, Kleijn, D. Farmers and citizens value pollinators differently – a quantitative approach in four countries. In prep.
Turo K. J., Reilly J. R., Fjien, T., Magrach A., Giménez-García A., Winfree R. A global assessment of pollinator limitation in agriculture systems: Prevalence and risks. In prep.
Segre, Kleijn, Bartomeus, Wallis De Vries, de Jong, van der Schee, Román, Fijen. Butterflies are not a robust bioindicator for assessing pollinator communities. In prep.
Domínguez-Garcia, Molina, Godoy, Bartomeus. Interaction network structure predicts species temporal persistence in empirical plant-pollinator communities (Submitted).
Oddi, Magrach, Márquez Torres, Pompeu, Balbi, Villa, Garibaldi. Plataformas de modelado de servicios ecosistémicos: el norte de lacPatagonia como un ejemplo de aplicación (Submitted).
Giménez-García, Allen-Perkins, Bartomeus, Balbi, Knapp, Hevia, Woodcock, Smagghe, Miñarro, Eeraerts, Colville, Hipólito, Cavigliasso, Nates-Parra, Herrera, Cusser, Simmons, Wolters, Jha, Freitas, Horgan, Artz, Sidhu, Otieno, Boreux, Biddinger, Klein, Joshi, Stewart, Albrecht, Nicholson, O’Reilly, Petsersen, Crowder, Burns, Nabaes Jodar, Garibaldi, Sutter, Dupont, Dalsgaard, da Encarnação Coutinho, Lázaro, Andersson, Raine, Krishnan, Dainese, van der Werf, Smith, and Magrach. Pollination supply models from local to global scale. (Submitted)
Reilly, JR, Bartomeus, I, Simpson, D, Allen-Perkins, A, Garibaldi, L, Winfree, R. Wild insects and honey bees are equally important to crop yields in a global analysis. (Submitted).
Nabaes Jodar D. N., Hipólito J., Zaragoza-Trello C., Oliveira da Silva F., Magalhaes-Freitas B., Viana B., Blande N., Souza T., Pires C., Velado-Alonso E., Bartomeus I., Garibaldi L. A. (2023). Biodiversity-inclusive agricultural practices and their dependence on farmer characteristics in South America. (In prep)
Oddi et al. TBA [scenarios]. In prep.
How to acknowledge OBServ: “This research was funded through the 2017-2018 Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivScen ERA-Net COFUND programme, and with the funding organisations AEI, NWO, ECCyT and NSF”
Funded by: